Applicant guidance

Discover the process of applying for ARIA funding and find key resources



Call for concept papers

Concept papers are designed to make the solicitation process as efficient as possible for applicants. By soliciting short concept papers (no more than three pages), ARIA reviewers are able to gauge the feasibility and relevance of the proposed project and give an initial indication of whether we think a full proposal would be competitive. ARIA will provide feedback to encourage or not encourage submission of a full proposal; however, proposals can be submitted regardless of the concept paper feedback received.

Most but not all ARIA programme calls include a concept paper. 
Opportunity seed calls don't include concept papers.


Call for full proposals

This step requires you to submit a detailed proposal including: project & technical information to help us gain a detailed understanding of your proposal: information about the team to help us learn more about who will be doing the research, their expertise, and why you/the team are motivated to solve the problem; administrative information to help ensure we are funding R&D responsibly; information relating to budgets, IP, potential conflicts of interest, etc. Each application is scored against selection criteria, detailed in the solicitation.


Project review and selection process

All proposals are evaluated against the criteria outlined in our call documents, and we expect proposals to spike against our criteria and have different strengths and weaknesses. Final selection is based on an assessment of the programme portfolio as a whole, its alignment with the overall programme goals and objectives and the diversity of applicants across the programme. 

Expert technical reviewers (both internal and external to ARIA) evaluate proposals to provide independent views and inform decision-making. Programme Directors make robust selection decisions in service of their programme’s objectives, ensuring they justify their selection recommendations internally for consistency and fairness prior to final selection.


Agreements are finalised and awards are made

At this stage you will be notified if you have or have not been selected for an award subject to due diligence and negotiation. If you have been selected for an award (subject to negotiations) we expect an initial call to take place between ARIA’s Programme Director and your lead researcher within 10 working days of being notified. We expect contract/grant signature to be no later than 8 weeks from successful/unsuccessful notifications.

Application portal

See a step-by-step guide for our application portal

Download the walkthrough [PDF]


We welcome solicited applications from across the R&D ecosystem, including individuals, universities, research institutions, small, medium and large companies, charities and public sector research organisations. We are keen to explore structures not typical in academic research, such as supporting early career researchers as project leads or funding large (>80%) proportions of senior academics’ time so that they can focus fully on their ARIA project.

Funding outside of the UK

Unless otherwise stated in each funding call, our primary focus is on funding those who are based in the UK. For the vast majority of applicants, we therefore require the majority of the project work to be conducted in the UK (i.e. >50% of project costs and personnel time).


Since we aim to attract applicants from diverse sectors, our cost sheets are designed to be generic and are not tailored to specific types of institutions such as universities or companies.


When collaboration is expected between ARIA funding recipients, ARIA will clearly specify this in the funding call, including any relevant template collaboration agreements that may apply.

Funding agreements

If you are successful, the type of funding agreement you will receive is dependent on two factors: the activity being funded and the type of recipient.


Subject to the conditions of each call, ARIA will treat your proposal confidentially.

Post award

ARIA has a flexible approach to project management, recognising that managing projects across various fields and disciplines requires diverse methodologies.

Related pages

The funding experience

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How we fund

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Q&A: Antonia Jenkinson – ARIA’s approach to funding

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